Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Ten Commandments of wooing

1. Thou shall be as peppy as a peppy girl on crack
2. Thou shall learn subtle ways to scream out loud, announce thy intentions and tattoo them on the forehead of the one being wooed
3. Thou shall always offer a ride home (or better, ask for a ride home)
4. Thou shall develop a sudden interest in playing the guitar, or dance or breeding venomous reptiles or whatever interests the one being wooed
5. Thou shall never pay a direct compliment
6. Thou shall frequently use the phrases "get lost", "go to hell" and "ya right!", always with a suggestive smile and a sparkle in the eyes
7. Thou shall learn to type faster using a T9 dictionary than the 'qwerty' key board
8. Thou shall swallow the last vestiges of of one's pride, self respect and dignity and forget that one ever had any traces of these
9. Thou shall erase the words disappointment, frustration, grief and pain from one's vocabulary ( and one's dictionary)
10. Thou shall persevere, thou shall persevere, thou shall persevere

P.S. The author has had no success with these, but wishes the readers the very best.
Good luck and godspeed


Piyush Sethia said...

Finally you did publish these :)

Very well written indeed, and I am sure the one who follows these will meet with success for sure..

Rach said...


Suprita said...

LOL!! And so true. So so true..

White Knight said...

Rolling on the ground laughing. good one manju

loop said...


Manjunath Shevgoor said...

What happened?.... They didn't work for you either? :)